

10:00 a.m. – In-Person Worship Service in the Sanctuary

10:00 a.m. – Online Zoom Worship Service

Access: https://us02web.zoom.us

Webinar Id: 850 2344 0471

Passcode: 565283

Times for Worship

We have one traditional worship service at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. Other special worship services during the year include an Ash Wednesday Service, Maundy Thursday Service, Good Friday Service, and a Christmas Eve service, with the times of such service to be announced.

What to Wear

God’s house does not have a dress code. Worshipers wear everything from jeans to khakis to dresses or suits during our traditional services. Feel free to wear clothing that makes you feel comfortable.

The Worship Experience

An usher will greet you as you enter the sanctuary, and will give you an Order of Worship. You may select a seat of your choice. During the service, a Friendship Pad is passed for all worshipers to sign. Please take a moment to sign it so church members can greet you after the service and send a welcome note during the following week. Feel free to pick up one of our colorful Welcome Bags from the back of the sanctuary, which contains a gift for first-time visitors and other helpful information about our Kingswood family.

What Happens After Worship?

In a word… lots! You will be amazed at the diversity of activities you will find each week on our Calendar of Events! Questions? Feel free to ask an usher or any staff member or call the church office, 251-661-0420.